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  • Writer's pictureMikayla Garcia

"What Inspired You to Major in Literature and Writing?"

One of the most asked questions for individuals with a major in the humanities is: "What made you wanna study a major that won't make you any money?" Of course, many people are not as blunt to say it outright like that, but it is essentially what people wonder. After completing my degree within the last four years, never once have I regretted pursuing my major. I sit here now, as a college graduate with my Bachelors in Literature and Writing, and reflect on exactly what inspired me get my degree in this major.

"Hills Like White Elephants" by Earnest Hemingway is the short story that started my journey as a Literature and Writing major. I very first read this story as a Junior in High School. At first, it seems like a simple story about a couple who are traveling throughout Europe waiting for their train to arrive so they can continue on their ventures. I remember thinking it was a quick read, but was so well written. After reading the short story for homework, I expected our class discussion to revolve around relationships and the symbolism of the couple waiting for the train. I did not expect to have an in depth discussion on abortion.

I understand there is a universal joke about the hidden meanings that are woven within literature. Many students and adults still joke when an author makes the curtains in a room blue, for example, it doesn't mean they are depressed but maybe they like the color blue. I made these jokes as well thinking all books, novels, and short stories were not that serious (except for poetry, but thats for a different blog another day). Yet here I am, at about age 16, finally understanding why all my English teachers up until this point begged us students to take symbolism and imagery seriously. I was amazed that someone could make a story be about one thing, yet also be about something completely different.

Three years later I would be reading "Hills Like White Elephants" in my first lower division Literature and Writing class, and again for one of my creative writing classes. Every time I read it I pick up on something different, giving the piece more and more meaning. I came to the realization "Hills Like White Elephants" is my favorite short story, and being the tattoo addict that I am, I decided to dedicate my right forearm to the short story. My tattoo has so much meaning to me, in connection to "Hills Like White Elephants" as well as my favorite artist: Salvador Dali.

When people ask me about my tattoo, after first asking me if it is a spider, they wonder what was my inspiration behind it. After I am done explaining that it is a Salvador Dali paining and he is my favorite artist, I then explain how I chose this specific painting because it connects to "Hills Like White Elephants". When I explain to friends and strangers why I would dedicate a tattoo to a short story, and what it is about, I think I slightly convince them to at least look up the short story and see what it is all about. "Hills Like White Elephants" is a must-read short story for every person who doesn't believe authors can write with subliminal messages and write it well. I am, and always will be, a fan of Ernest Hemingway and his works.

Salvador Dali "Elephants" tattoo on my forearm

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